Acorda (Breaded Soup)

I LOVE Acorda and it's one of those dishes that you can have either as a soup on it's own or as a side dish for fish fillets.

There's different Acorda's as well, there's Acorda de Alho (Garlic Breaded Soup) and Acorda de Tomate (Tomato Breaded Soup).

Coriander Breaded Soup


  • 1 slice of bread for each person
  • 1 egg for each person
  • garlic
  • water
  • olive oil
  • green pepper
  • coriander
  • salt

Peal the garlic, cut inpieces and smash with the coriander, olive oil. Put in bowls covering with the bread cut in pieces. Boil the desired amount of water with salt to taste and a spoonful of vinegar. Break the eggs slowly into the boiling water until slightly cooked. Take the eggs and place in each bowl with the broth on top.
You may use water the cooked codfish and proceed the same way. It makes a delicious soup.
