Portuguese "Suspiros"

What you see in the picture above is a traditional Portuguese sweet, called "Suspiros", ready to go to my oven.
Suspiros are very easy to do, the secret is in the oven time and temperature.

Ingredients for 8 Suspiros:

~ 2 egg whites
~ 1 cup of sugar
~ 1 teaspoon of butter


Beat two egg whites so they get thicker. Add sugar (at least, one cup) and keep beating until you have a consistent type of dough.
I use a spoon to model the dough in circles, directly in the oven tray, and I separate each other so they don´t glue. The oven tray was previosly covered with cooking paper and a bit of butter.
Suspiros take around 10/15 minutes in 150ÂșC oven(depending on their size). Suspiro´s dough grows while cooking and becomes golden. When ready, they looked like this:

Yummie, but very caloric :)
Although we love Suspiros, I only do them once or twice a year.
See you.
