Portuguese Menu: Readers Questions

Today, I´d like to answer Portuguese Menu reader´s questions about my recipes.

~ One reader asked me a question about the cup measure I use. You can check my post about this topic: Mass/Weight Conversions but when I refer one cup it´s 1/4 of liter, the same as a tea cup or a normal glass of water.

~ Another reader asked me what cream I use in my Codfish With Cream Recipe. I use normal liquid milk cream, the same I use in my Bolognese Lasagna Recipe:

In Portugal we have different brands of milk cream (natas), for example, Mimosa, Parmalat, supermarket´s brand, etc. I like using "Mimosa", a national brand. It´s the little green packet of 200 ml in the picture above.

Hope I clarified all your questions.
See you next weekend.
