This is a Portuguese inspired recipe for chicken goujons! My son loves chicken nuggets! They are very popular with children in the UK but I dont trust the ones you buy frozen in the supermarket so I make my own.
The Portuguese touch comes from the marinade. The chicken pieces are marinated in wine and garlic overnight-a Portuguese tradition-which gives them a unique flavour.
Ok so food out of the way-well it never is quite out of the way lol- 'Blogging and Who cares?'
I came across this interesting post on Gourmet Worrier's blog.
She talks about a friend she meets after many years all due to her blog. She discusses measuring her blog's success through ratings, comments, etc, only to realise, through this friend, that what really matters is that you've touched someone's heart.
This touched me very deeply!
I am going through an incredibly hard time in my life. I feel very isolated, mainly through my own doing, because sometimes in life, its hard to reach out when you're in so much pain and you feel nobody really cares.
And yet...
I had decided to give up blogging, well, simply because I had decided to pretty much give up everything, but I was drawn to post yet another recipe!
And suddenly I realise that yes, people do care.
It's something special to realise that out there in the world, someone took five minutes of their busy life to read what I wrote! That there is someone who cares enough...
I measure the success of my blog by knowing somehow, somewhere, someone does care...
But enough of the ranting and soppiness and on with the cooking!
2 Chicken breasts
2 cloves of garlic
1 cup of white wine
1 tsp of paprika
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper
1 cup of flour
1 cup of breadcrumbs
2 eggs
Ratatouille-Veg all chopped
1 large courgette or zucchini
1 aubergine
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 can of tomatoes
1 large onion
1 large clove of garlic
1 bay leaf
mixed herbs
some fresh basil

Pre-heat the oven at gas mark 200 Celsius.
Pat dry chicken goujons. Place them in the flour, egg and breadcrumbs to create a batter.
Cook in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Add tomatoes, bay leaves and herbs.
Cook for another ten minutes.
Season and Add basil. Cook for another five minutes.
Serve with the Chicken goujons and some couscous if you like.
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