Bacalhau Com Natas: Cream Codfish

Lately, I´ve been baking more than usual so I have a few new Portuguese desserts recipes to post in a near future. As main courses, and because our hot Summer arrived, I´ve been doing a lot of Pasta and Cold Salad recipes.
A traditional Portuguese Summer Dish is Grilled Fish with boiled potatoes and all sorts of veg combination salads such as "Salada Montanheira" and "Gaspacho". Portugal is well known for it´s Sardines and Summer is when you can find the best ones. Another good topic for a future post.
Check out my archives to find some Portuguese salad recipes, I keep repeating those recipes with some variations but I always return to my "classics".
Another good example is "Portuguese Bacalhau com Natas / Cream Codfish", the dish in the picture above. This is definitely my favorite Codfish recipe and although it´s a hot dish I cook it often. This time I added black olive oils which offer a great final touch to this recipe. Add a lettuce salad and you´ll have the best codfish recipe around!
See you soon :)
