Easy as Pie

The meaning of the phrase "easy as pie", coined in 19th century America, is in reference to the ease of eating pie, not the ease of making it. But when it comes to these golden raspberry mini pies, both meanings apply!

Sweet, fresh golden raspberries, I just couldn't pass them up. Impulse buying...not so bad when it leads to impulse baking, and ultimately the enjoyment of some deliciously impulsive treats. Right?!

Golden Raspberry Mini Pies
4 cups golden raspberries (and some red ones for fun)
1 cup sugar
5-6 tbsp flour
refrigerated pie crust

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat mini muffin tins with cooking spray.

Gently toss raspberries with sugar and flour and set aside.

Using a large round cookie cutter, cut circles from rolled pie crust and press into mini muffin cups.

Fill cups with raspberry mixture.

Using a small round cookie cutter, cut circles from rolled pie crust and top pies. Pinch edges and vent by making a few small slits in top crust with knife. For a lattice top, cut small strips of dough and weave across pie tops, pinching edges to seal. 

Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown.

Easy as pie!


