Carne de Porco à Alentejana

If you are familiar with the portuguese cuisine, you must know this. It has meat, it has pork, it has clams, it has potatoes. All together it's a perfect combination! That must be the reason why you can't find a restaurant in Portugal without it on the menu. Let's bring it to our table:
  • 800 grs of tender pork meat
  • 800 grs of fresh clams
  • 2,5 dl of white wine
  • garlic (3/4 cloves)
  • 2 spoons of ground pepper (sometimes I use paprika instead)
  • coriander
  • bay leaf
  • 50 gr of margarine and 1 spoon of olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 5 peeled potatoes
Cut the meat in small cubes, mix them with the ground pepper, the crushed garlic, white wine, bay leaf, salt and pepper, let it marinate for at least 4 hours. Meanwhile, leave the clams for 2 hours on salty water afterwhich you should wash them.
Put the margarine and the olive oil (you can use pork fat instead) on a large frying pan and join the meat (with no liquid).
Cut the potatoes also in small cubes and fry them.
When the meat is properly fried join the marinate liquid, then the clams and the fried potatoes and let it boil until the clams open. Join the coriander for some colour and flavour.

