Brussle and Cauliflower Gratin with roast Gammon

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I was invited to my lovely friend Gemma'a house for a Sunday cooking and eating lot's day because It's something were very good at. We went to the shops bought our gammon and decided what to have with it, I always have cauliflower cheese with it because its a marriage made in heaven and decided to be a little different and make a creamy cheesy gratin with brussle sprouts and cauliflower and boy it was good.

Brussle sprouts
Double cream
Mature cheeder Cheese
Bread crumbs

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I par boiled my veg before putting in a baking dish

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Next I made a roux and used cream instead of milk and stirred a mound of grated cheese into it and poured it over the veg. And yes cream is indulgent but what are Sundays for if there not for indulgence and treating yourself before going back to work Monday morning I ask you!

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I whizzed up some stale bread for part of the topping

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Then I covered the gratin with Cheddar, Parmesan and breadcrumbs and put it in the over for around 20 mins.

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The delicious gratin in all it's glory

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I boiled my gammon in water for around 20 mins before covering in foil and roasting in the over for around half an hour

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Had to make some goose fat roast potatoes, it's Sunday!

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I also made a cider gravy using some of the water I boiled the gammon in and the veg water, it was a truly delicious Sunday dinner and bit of a change to the normal Sunday roast I would cook.
If you were going to have the gratin with chicken or lamb I think adding some pancetta or bacon and thyme would be nice addition to. Happy Sundays everyone.
