Cherry Fridge Cake

At last I have the internet again, it has been nearly a month without it and to be honest I didn't really miss it that much but it has been frustrating not being able to blog. I hated the thought of my blog just sitting there looking like she had been abandoned! Anyway enough of that and here is a very simple and very delicious recipe for a fridge that cake that I have adapted from 'The Hummingbird Bakery' cookbook.

400g Unsalted Butter
200ml Golden Syrup
100g Cocoa Powder
800g Digestive Biscuits
200g Raisins
10 Glace Cherry's
100g Milk Chocolate
100g Dark Chocolate


 Melt the butter in a pan

Then add the golden syrup and cocoa powder

 Next crush the biscuits

Mix the cherry's and raisins together and put the chocolate mixture into the mixing bowl along with the bars of chocolate broken into chunks

Put it in a baking tray and leave in the fridge to set for a few hours or overnight

Yummy yummy fridge cake, I love the texture of the biscuits,cherry's and raisins.
So easy to make with little effort but it is not healthy in ant was what so ever and hard to not keep eating strait from the fridge! I heated a slice up and had it with clotted cream ice cream, also not good for your health!
