
Portuguese Mackerel Fish Recipe

A Very Portuguese Snack Suggestion

Book Review: Taste of Home Best Loved Recipes

Vanilla Latte with Vanilla Syrup and Vanilla Infused Raw Sugar

Bean and Chorizo Stew-Fabada Asturiana

Cartola Nordestina

Leg of Lamb, Paraíba-style (Pernil de Cordeiro)

Chocolate Cookies with White Buttons & Mars Bars

Shrimp Cocktail Paraíba (Camarão ao Vinagrete)

Pulled Pork

Overnight Cherry Danish Recipe

Make-Ahead Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Beef Rouladen Recipe

Homemade Tabasco Hot Sauce Recipe

Left-over Rice (Arroz de lambiragem)

Stuffed Butternut Squash

Cornflake Tart

Cheddar & Marmite Sausage Rolls

Café au Lait Pots-de-creme (Potinho cremoso café com leite)

Chayote Gratin (Tigelada de Chuchu)